O semanario máis antigo de os EUA, The Nation, ven ofrecendo nos últimos meses unha serie de entrevistas en vídeo con activistas, divulgadores e científicos acerca dos problemas xémeos do Peak Oil e da Mudanza Climática.
- Vídeo de presentación e resume da serie, con extractos das diversas entrevistas.
- Richard Heinberg: “The Globe’s Limitations: How Peak Oil Threatens Economic Growth”
- Nicole Foss: “We Need Freedom of Action To Confront Peak Oil”
- James Howard Kunstler: “Peak Oil and Our Financial Decline”
- Dmitry Orlov: “Peak Oil Lessons From The Soviet Union”
- Noam Chomsky: “How Climate Change Became a ‘Liberal Hoax'”
- Bill McKibben: “Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face”
- Greg Palast: “We’re Not Running Out of Oil, Just Cheap Oil”
- Thom Hartmann: “Corporations Are Fueling Our Peak Oil Crisis”
- Jean Laherrère: “Why Cheap Energy Is a Bad Thing”
- Lester Brown: “The Planet’s Scarcest Resource Is Time”
- Joel Salatin: “Breaking Free From Factory Farms”
- John Ikerd: “Dwindling Energy Resources Will Put The Economy at Risk”
- Rob Hopkins: “How Climate Change Puts Globalization in Reverse”