Recentes noticias revelaron que a extracción de petróleo de Arabia Saudí lonxe de medrar como anuncian moitos —ultimamente diante da perspectiva de ter que substituír o embargado petróleo iraní— está a devalar a un ritmo do 3,5%.
Xoán Doldán comentou brevemente o que trasloce esta nova:
Dino ben clariño:
“IEA Senior Analyst Diane Munro told the Financial Times that the February assessment reflects a natural decline in Saudi Arabian oil fields. That rate is estimated at around 3.5 percent per year”
“We are reviewing our estimate of Saudi’s natural depletion as Saudi Aramco appears to be bringing in more rigs and that should help to stem the natural decline,” Munro was quoted as saying.
Esgotamento natural, declinio natural… ao 3,5% anual. Isto significa que en 10 anos a extracción de petróleo en Arabia caería un 27%. Para frealo, máis sistemas de perforación, é dicir acelerar o proceso de caída dentro duns anos mediante unha extracción maior no presente. Para facelo só é posíbel reducindo a TRE, ao incrementar a enerxía utilizada para obter a mesma cantidade de enerxía: meseta [de extracción] presente para precipicio despois. Semella que se quere gañar tempo e o que se fai é fechar os ollos.
A noticia tamén foi trasmitida polo Oil Depletion Analysis Center (ODAC):
Worth noting in its latest monthly report however was a reduction in the agency’s estimate of the maximum oil production capacity of Saudi Arabia. The change, from 12million b/d to 11.88mb/d, is fairly small, but with Saudi the only global swing producer it remains significant. The FT reports that the new figure is based on the IEA’s own models and takes into account the natural decline rate in the kingdom’s oilfields. Their spokesperson added that enhanced recovery currently underway could slow the decline. Still, is this further evidence that Saudi production is reaching its peak?
Unha reflexión sobre “A AIE recoñece que o esgotamento do petróleo saudí é maior do previsto”